In many occasions we get problem descriptions like:
"It doesn't work"
"The phonecall to my mom was bad"
"Sometimes I can't receive calls"
This type of descriptions make it very hard for us to help you. As we don't know the phonenumber of your mom, nor on which call what went bad.
There are numerous things which can go wrong in telephony, and most of them we can easily solve. But we need for every problem you report:
1/ a date and time when you experienced the problem
2/ the number/sip account calling
3/ the number/sip account being called
4/ a description of the problem
Using this, we can find back the trace of your call and most likely see what went wrong on that call.
E.g. of a bad problem description:
"Hi support,
I called my mom, and it was bad! Please fix it as she is ill"
E.g. of a good problem description:
"Hi support,
Yesterday 2nd of February, I had to call my mom 3 times, the first call was at around 12h15. The first call she didn't hear me, the second call got disconnected without a reason after 5 minutes.
I called her using my sip phone with username xyz, and my moms phone number is 012345678.
Even better is:
"Hi support,
15/02/2016 - 12h15, call from xyz to 012345678. Three calls, the first didn't have audio, the second got disconnected after 5 minutes. Can you check why the call was disconnected?"
Thank you for helping us, to help you.
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