General information
- 3StarsNet is cheaper? Do the calculation in 5 steps!
- What is Fax2mail ?
- What is the IP (internet) telephony of 3Starsnet ?
- What does VoIP stand for?
- What is an IP (internet) phone?
- What is an ATA?
About subscription
- How do I subscribe?
- I have several telephone sets at home. Must I take out several subscriptions?
- What are the conditions for obtaining a number?
- Telephone number portation - What is this and how do I do?
- Which number can I have?
- Can I have a secret number?
Delivery Questions
Cost / Payment
- Billing questions or issue
- How can I recharge my account?
- Can I view my credit?
- Is my payment secure?
- How would I get my bill?
- What happens if I exceed my prepaid call credit?